Making The World Safer, One Building At A Time.

The Mission

To provide the best products, plans and methods to assist first responders, building administrators, employees, or occupants with the necessary tools to react or respond to an emergency situation and achieve the most optimal result possible.

The Vision

To extend these plans to anywhere in the world an emergency situation could arise and threaten the well being of anyone present.

Mapping System

We have formulated our unique color coded emergency response mapping system to simplify and decrease response time for Police, Fire, and EMS.

Operation Safer World | Critical Incident Map

3D Virtual Tour

We use state of the art equipment and high end cameras to digitally replicate  the location.

Operation Safer World | Map

Crisis Response Software

Our mapping system, combined with any critical incident management platform, offers better communication among building administrators and first responders.

Operation Safer World | Technology View

Operational Readiness

Make sure your facility and staff are protected and ready for every incident. The proper training and equipment are a key factor for Operational Readiness.

Operation Safer World | Prepare > Respond > Recover > Prevent